Friday, November 30, 2012

Come and See

"Come and see."  They came and saw.  John 1:39

Reports in the New Testament tell us that Andrew was a fisherman by trade, a follower of John the Baptist and a disciple of Jesus.  Andrew quickly recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, and invites his brother, Simon Peter, to come and see for himself. 

This invitation to “come and see” is a wonderful reminder that we, too, can offer such encouragement to others to come and see:  to see what they've been given, how they in turn can give, and how they can be a part of a powerful and caring ministry themselves.  

Andrew was a common man who simply wanted to share his excitement over the ministry of Christ with his very own brother.  Share the mission of 12.12.12 with a family member today, inviting them to “come and see” the rich rewards of helping their neighbor.

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